Food Safety for Food Handlers x

Identify the function and use of food thermometers during cooking.
Identify the steps in calibrating a food thermometer.
Recognize adequate cooking times and temperatures for a variety of foods.
Identify how to take a proper temperature.
Recognize when and how to keep food thermometers sanitized.
Define contamination, including the three types of contamination.
Identify how to prevent contamination during receiving and storage.
Identify how to prevent contamination during preparation and service.
Identify how to prevent contamination from the environment.
Identify how to prevent contamination from people.
Define the food temperature danger zone.
Identify foods that will and will not support the rapid growth of harmful bacteria.
Identify proper methods to keep cold food cold.
Identify proper methods to keep hot foods hot.
Identify methods to properly cool hot food for later service.

English, Spanish, Farsi, Thai

65 min
Course Outline
Course Outline
Introduction to Ensuring Adequate Cooking Temperatures
Function and Use of Thermometers
Calibrating a Thermometer
Temperatures, Times, and Thermometer Placement
Cleaning a Thermometer
Introduction to Preventing Contamination
What is Contamination?
Preventing Contamination During Receiving and Storage
Preventing Contamination During Preparation and Service
Preventing Contamination from the Environment
Preventing Contamination from People
Introduction to Preventing Bacteria from Multiplying
The Temperature Danger Zone
Keeping Cold Food Cold
Keeping Hot Food Hot
Proper Cooling Methods
USFDA Food Code

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